Timeless and primitive. Lea's brother-in-law did an amazing work by shaping this rock into a basin. We are honored to bring water in it - Loop - handmade copper tap Crafted with precision and care, this solid rock basin is a testament to skilled craftsmanship. The Loop handmade copper tap completes the look with a primitive installation.
photo: Lea from Switzerland
Turn, pull, push. Objects reacts to Simon's actions. He has full control and that's why he loves his home. Simon's precise movements activate a seamless interaction with his surroundings, showcasing the full extent of his control over his environment.
Combined design - always contemporary and always works. Our products feature a sleek and modern design that has stood the test of time. Our solid copper Primus chandelier is meticulously crafted with a focus on timeless elegance and functionality.
Photo: www.adenorah.com
Primus copper pipe chandelier